6. desiring / accurate / punctual / precise
desiring v. 请求;想要;渴望
accurate adj. 精确的
punctual adj. 准时的;守时的
precise adj. 就;恰好
【例】I entered the hall at the moment when the concert began(陕西2006).
A. desiring
B. accurate
C. punctual
D. precise
7. cry / tear / sob / anger
cry n.(因悲伤或痛苦)哭泣、流泪
tear n. 眼泪;(撕破的)洞或裂缝
sob n. 发出呜咽声;啜泣
anger n. 怒,愤怒
【例】On hearing the news that his father died, David burst into .(陕西2007)
A. cry B. tears
C. sob D. anger
8. factor / portion / source / element
factor n. 因素
portion n. 比例
source n. 资源
element n. 成分,要素
【例】According to Aristotle's theory, everything is made out of four : earth, air, fire, and water.(陕西2007)
A. factors B. portions
C. sources D. elements
9. specific / special / unusual / different
specific adj. 详细的;清楚的;明确的
special adj. 独特的
unusual adj. 不寻常的
different adj. 不同的
【例】The witness' statement about the crime is very , so the criminal might be in control in no time.(陕西2007)
A. specific B. special
C. unusual D. different
10.superiority / privilege / majority / priority
superiority n. 优势,优越感
privilege n. 特权;优待
majority n. 大多数
priority n. 优先权
【例】When several graduates apply for the same job, is often given to whoever is better qualified for it.(陕西2007)
A. superiority B. privilege
C. majority D. priority
本文标签:贵州省专升本 英语 贵州统招专升本英语基础备考:词义辨析——异形异义(2)
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